Pebbledash was the desirable and practical solution for the exterior of buildings in the past. It was not only convenient to achieve but was time-saving and saved the cost of painting walls. But, must we tell how horrible it looks? And you might agree with us in this regard that it looks ugly and awful.
What is Pebbledash?
It is a gritty and uneven look on walls which is achieved by literally throwing pebbles on the wet mortar. The pebbles stick to wet mortar and create pebbledash. This was done in the past; after WW1 to be precise; when there was a demand to build houses quickly and with less cost. Therefore, the pebbledash was done to hide the brick wall underneath. It was done so that the need for paint could be avoided.
How is it seen today?
As much cost and time-saving pebbledash are; the fact remains that it is not liked by the majority of people today. And people actually want to get rid of this layer of ugliness from their buildings. Even if you paint it; it presents a cluttered look. And if a building with pebblesdash is sandwiched between those buildings which have a fine and even look; then it surely looks even more awful. That is the reason many people want to go for pebbledash removal these days. Pebbleshed is neither beautiful nor artistic; rather, it is considered distasteful.
Why remove pebbledash?
Other than the fact that it is a turn off for our aesthetics; the deterioration and depreciation of pebbledash are another reason to get it removed off buildings. Because of its exposure to climatic forces, the pebbledash gets cracked or eroded. The situation is aggravated because of the freeze-thaw cycle. This reaches a point where the cracks become crevices and repairing them only makes the wall more ugly; hence, leaving you the only option of removing it.
What can MR Pointing and Brickworks do?
So, if you are sick of your pebbledash building and you want to go for pebbledash removal; MR Pointing and Brickworks is here to provide its services.
You can find a solution for pebbledash removal in 3 ways:
i. Scratch it off:
This is a risky option where you want pebbledash removed by scratching it off your brick walls. By taking it off, the brick wall can be revealed which is quite beautiful in itself. However, during the process of pebbledash removal, there are chances that the wall gets damaged. Hence, we would recommend you not to hire any amateurs for this purpose. Nor would we suggest you adopt a DIY approach for pebbledash removal.
At MR Pointing and Brickworks, the pebbledash can be removed without damaging walls. Our professional workforce and specialists ensure that the layer of pebbledash is removed without causing any damage or harm to the brick wall.
ii. Level it:
Pebbledash can be removed by applying a layer of mortar on pebbledash wall. This would require a huge amount of mortar to be applied all over to cover up the gritty and uneven surface.
At MR Pointing and Brickworks, we provide the services of pebbledash removal by applying mortar on it hides the pebbledash by giving it levelled and even look.
iii. EWI Coating:
This is way too expensive and makes the wall way too thicker. A minimum of 200mm coating is required to cover up the pebbledash work.
At MR Pointing and Brickworks, we extend following services:
• Chimney repair and installation
• Pointing repairs
• Scaffold supplies
• Brickwork contractors
• Brick-paving services
• Brick cleaning
We ensure that all our services are provided with utmost vigilance and perfection. To get an appointment for Pebbledash removal, call our specialist at 07751362934 to know what suits you the best.